Today, I read about Second Life and virtual education. To be honest, I think that Second Life is used by people that have no real lives. I personally do not know anyone who has tried Second Life but once saw a True Life episode on MTV about it and every person who used it let it completely take over their lives (I know this isn't true of everyone). It kind of reminds of World of Warcraft.
Both articles I read talked about how it can add educational value. The problem is that I don't think that Second Life does cannot replace the classroom and blackboard is a way better tool to have a virtual classroom on. It does not enhance the classroom because you must be familiar with Second Life for that too be true and most students are not. I don't think it is a good recruiting tool either. How many seniors in high school are going to research their college in Second Life as opposed to actually visiting the school or going to the school website.
So what do you guys think: Can Second Life be a valuable tool to help further education?
If anyone is interested in learning further about Second Life and virtual education here are the two articles I read Learning in Second Life: Virtual Education and Virtual World, Real Money in Second Life. Both articles propose advantages of Second Life and education so you may want to give them and look and then decide if you with me or not.
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